Thursday, October 8, 2009

Am I cut out for this?

Well my fellow sugars, he kept his word and made the deposit. The only thing that I didn't like is that he deposited a check. If the check doesn't go through, I will be screwed. I decided to open a second checking account just for this arrangement so it won't affect my regular account if there is a problem with the next deposit (if there is a next deposit).

So here we are a week later, I've paid some of my credit cards and have been able to treat myself to a few small things. He has also been really sweet, surprising me with a Vicky secret gift card and other sweet random things.

So earlier this week he said he would have time to see me early Thursday morning. I work from home a few days a week, so it's not a prob to block out a little time on my calendar. We decided to meet at 8:00 am, which is kinda early, but what the heck and he said he would bring breakfast. So this morning he calls me at 7:30 and says please don't be mad, but I'm early. I'm sooo NOT a morning person and 8:00 was pushing it. I was so annoyed that he was here so early. I was really trying to get my head together to be happy and sweet, but it was so damn early. I keep thinking, he kept his end of the deal I have to keep mine. I didn't even have time to pull myself together and look cute.

So we eat, and were watching television and he is sitting next to me and just starts staring at me and making me feel uncomfortable. He asks, am I making you feel uncomfortable? And I tell him, I'm not used to someone staring at me like that. He says, I was just waiting for you to give me a kiss. So I give him a peck. He asks, can I have a real kiss? I couldn't do :-(

I don't know if I was in a crappy mood because it's 8 in the morning and he wants to be cuddly and cute or if it was I hadn't had my Starbucks yet. The odd thing is, I was prepared to have sex, so if he wanted to do it, I would have been okay, but I didn't feel like kissing him if that makes sense? He had planned to stay until 10, but he just left. I feel sooo bad that I didn't want to kiss him and I feel like I should do whatever he wants, but I just felt so uncomfortable kissing him this morning. Maybe it would have been different if he came a little later, but I just couldn't get my head together at 7:30. I'm going to call and apologize and let him know that I'm not a morning person and I hesitated when I agreed to meet so early, but I didn't want to tell him no.

Maybe we shouldn't try the morning get togethers again? I guess it shouldn't make a difference, but I just wasn't up for it this morning. What the heck. Does that mean the SB/SD arrangement isn't for me?? I'm going back to sleep for a while :-(

UPDATE: So, I called to apologize (no answer), sent an email and a text to apologize for not being in a great mood or kissy this morning. And he responds by saying, "you deserve better". WTF, does that mean he is done with me? I texted him to ask what he meant by that and no response. I may have really screwed up and I feel sick to think I will have to go through this process all over again. I wish I would have really just forced myself to kiss him. I hope he comes around and stops being angry at me.

What do y'all think? Am I a total jackass for not being kissy this morning?



  1. If you dont want to kiss someone then you shouldnt, its nothing to do with checks or whatever. Just imagine if that hadnt have been involved, would you want to kiss him?

  2. NEVER feel OBLIGATED to do something if you don't want takes the fun out of the whole experience because then you begin to HATE having to see him again, knowing that he will expect more. If he's willing to drop you because of something little like that, then move on to the next, because he'll obviously use the manipulation card to have the upper hand. The SD's may have the $$ but at the end of the day, YOU always should have the upper hand, especially if you're worth it.

    Take Care Hun

  3. You know...I just think you haven't met the right SD for you. After my first SD meeting, I felt the same and asked myself the same questions...Am I really cut out for this? I just realized that he was not the one for me. He was looking for something else. Instead of a kiss, he wanted sex right then and there. I just could not do it. I was so discouraged but I made the decision to try again and more importantly, reevaluate my standards. Now this time around I found the right SD for me and I am looking forward to being with him and exchanging sugars.... :) Good luck.

  4. I'm not a morning person either and I would'nt have felt obligated to kiss him. Actually I wouldn't have told him to come over that early and explained that I'm a total bitch in the morning. But perhaps he wasn't right for you, sometimes you have to keep on looking to get to the pot of sugary gold.

  5. That sounds exactly like what I just went through! I'm still on the fence about what to do...but what I've started to realize is you have to look at SD's like any other either have chemistry or you don't. If you are feeling obligated to kiss him then maybe you need to find a SD that you want to kiss...even in the morning before Starbucks. ;) Good luck and let me know how it turns out...I'm in the same spot!

  6. Dang....what a bomber!! But like the girls have said, maybe you have to decide what it is you want exactly!! Are you just after the dosh or the whole package?
    But I noticed you said you would have slept with him, just not kiss him like that. That tells me your mind is in the 'dosh' place and now you've just got to work out how to just tell the guys you are not feeling like kissing that you are not a 'kissifer'. Explain to them you're not frigid but kissing does nothing for you. Just lie girl, LIE!!! It's all about the goal, so keep your eyes on the PRIZE!
    With that said, lawd I know it's difficult 'cos I too get my 'TORN FEELINGS' of luck .

  7. I read you blog. I run - it is a blog with tales of sugarbabys and I would like to have you in the mix. Hit me back if you are interested.

  8. Hi Babies- here and I'm new to the SBBlogs!

    I'm enjoying reading all of your stories and hope to connect with some of you so that we can get more done together! Lord knows I need more girlfriends that I can actually relate to better! LOL I've only had 1.5ish SDs before and I'm so ready to seriously start 'Sugar Seeking' again :) I welcome you to read my blogs and contact me! Thanks babies.

    Sweet Dreamz*

  9. Hi, I'm in Atlanta too. Shoot me an e-mail when free please

    Hope to chat soon.

  10. Boo on checks! I would prefer cash, but that would make me feel weird. Solution: cashier's checks. I would feel weird doing anything physical that early in the morning unless it was with my certified boo. lol!

    And, hey all! Like some of you here, I'm new to the world SD thing too- I'm meeting a potential on Saturday. I'm in a big southern city as well. :) Let's help each other keep our heads on straight and be safe! Here's link to my fledgling blog:

  11. Hey guys !

    Im from OK and new to the lifestyle ( and FYI... OK is not the easiest state to find a SD ) lol! Any advice on someone just getting atarted... Ill take anything right now. Ive only met one man and we went to dinner where he offered me 50 for a blowjob....? Umm... what..? I started looking around for Ashton because I knew I was getting punked lol!
