Thursday, September 10, 2009

My first experience

So I signed up for a SB/SD dating site a few months ago. After wasting two months emailing back and forth with a lot of SD wannabes, I finally met a potential. He is from Canada and he emailed me on a Sunday and he was in Atlanta by Friday. I was shocked and figured, okay he must be serious. Here is the tricky part..discussing the actual arrangement. I try to go with the flow and let them bring it up unless they get too touchy feely and aggressive about sex. Then it's time to talk. I've seen so many stories about ladies that sleep with the guys first and never see a dime. Anyhow, when it was time for us to have the talk, he kinda freaked out and said why does everything have a cost? HUH. We met under the pretense of having a SB/SD relationship, why are you acting like you are shocked money is involved. I'm on that site for a reason and I can't pay my bills with dinner! I was sooo annoyed. This guy even has the allowance amount he is willing to pay on his profile, so why the cold feet. I don't understand why these guys waste their time (and mine) if they aren't ready. Anyhow, we still hung out for the weekend and he said he would email me when he got back. He sent me an email and said he could only offer me half of what he posted because I'm so far away. That was a load of crap, he knew that before he flew here. He just sent me a text and said he wants to meet in NY in two weeks, so we will see how it goes. Oh, I forgot to mention, I was in Chicago last week and sent him a text and said I was low on cash to see how generous he would be and he wired $350. I guess that's a start right?



  1. :) yess ma' excited to hear what happens...ive been there, done that...still searching...right now, the other SBs and I are creating separate FB accounts so that we can keep connected and see what we all look like...we also plan to take photos of EVERYTHING so that we can share in our experiences...seeing as how security is of course an issue, were only adding fellow blog should join as well..:)

    in case you want to add me, my email is:

    good luck ;) and keep posting!

  2. Not a bad start ;-)
